Upgrade Your Wastewater Treatment System With Financial Assistance From New York State, Suffolk and Nassau County, and/or your Local Government
All levels of government have recognized the need to address Long Island’s ongoing water quality crisis. New York State offers grants of $10,000 per household for upgrading from a conventional septic tank or cesspool to an Innovative and Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (I/A System) such as FujiClean. This State funding is coupled with an additional $10,000 grant funding offered by both Suffolk County and Nassau County to homeowners upgrading to an I/A System. Finally, certain Towns (such as Southampton and East Hampton) offer rebates of up to $20,000 towards the cost of a septic upgrade, in addition to the funding available from NYS and the County.
If additional funding is necessary, homeowners can apply to finance up to $10,000 of the remaining cost via a low interest septic replacement loan through CDCLI. These loans are payable over 15 years at a low 3% fixed interest rate.
For a free analysis of your property’s grant eligibility, and for assistance on any and all aspects of the septic upgrade process, visit our partners at Bridgewater Environmental Services for a free no cost evaluation of your project!
Visit our partners at Bridgewater Environmental Services for a free no cost evaluation of your project!